Our professional training sessions are offered in two formats:
- In person. The content can then be adjusted to half a day, one day or two days, depending on the degree of detail required. Sessions can be organised:
- In large centres (any large city in Canada or abroad)
- In mining centres
- At operating sites
- In person. The content can then be adjusted to half a day, one day or two days, depending on the degree of detail required. Sessions can be organised:
- Virtually (by FaceTime, Teams, Zoom, Skype). The modules duration is reduced because there is typically less interaction with participants with this delivery format.
- The typical duration of each module is show in brackets, in person and virtually
Module 1 — General Geomechanics Concepts
(8 hours /8 hours)
- Stress tensor and field measurement methods
- Mechanical properties of rock and measurements
- Strength parameters and envelopes
- Types and description of geological discontinuities at the various scales
- Rock mass classification
Module 2 — Geomechanical Characterization
(6 hours /4 hours)
- Purposes of rock mass characterization
- Parameters to collect and how to collect them
- Data analysis and validation
- Geomechanical domains
Module 3 — Ground Instabilities
(4 hours /4 hours)
- Types of ground instabilities
- Stress-induced instabilities
- Static instabilities
- Dynamic instabilities
- Structurally controlled instabilities
- Failure mechanisms
- Controlling measures
- Empirical excavation design methods
- Empirical pillar design methods
Module 4 — Ground Support
(6 hours /4 hours)
- Ground support types
- Working principles
- Ground reaction curves
- Ground support systems
- Ground support selection
- Ground support design
- Factor of safety vs probability of failure
- Static
- Dynamic
Module 5 — Conventional (Non-Seismic) Geomechanical Instrumentation
(2 hours /2 hours, or 4 hours /4 hours if you have site examples and data for discussion)
- Types of instruments
- Objectives
- Working principles
- Interpretation
- Limitations
Module 6 — Numerical Modelling
(4 hours /4 hours)
- Types of numerical simulations (2D, 3D, elastic, inelastic, finite elements, finite differences, boundary elements, discrete displacements, discrete elements)
- Selection of adequate method(s)
- Required inputs
- Risk profiles
- Limitations
Module 7 — Vibrations Monitoring
(4 hours or 8 hours if you have a seismograph and software for a hands-on session)
- Types and characteristics of vibration waves
- Measurements and interpretation
- Vibration control to minimize damage
- This module is geared towards blast-induced vibrations, but many concepts are applicable to mining-induced seismicity monitoring
Some modules can be customised or combined to meet specific requirements – contact us for details.
Participants receive certificates of attendance admissible to the continuous training requirements of most professional associations.
Contact us for more information at